But I am comforted a bit by the kindness of others that I’m experiencing in the blog world. Thank you to everyone who linked to my Haiti auction post and bid on the bag I made:
(I’ll email the winner photos of ones that I have and they can choose the one they’d like.)
…I will send along this handmade journal I bought from a local crafter so the winner can note how lovely the world can be.
...I will tuck in a little milk glass vase. Add your own flowers so you can see the beauty in life.
…I will show my love with this fantastic antique Valentine I picked up Sunday at the Summer House in Point Pleasant, NJ (more on that tomorrow).
PLUS, I received an email from Beach House Living who will be adding this handmade bracelet (with lampwork beads and a sterling silver "s" clasp) and hand stamped gift tags to the prize package!

Be sure to stop by her Etsy store and blog to show the love.
All of the above will go to the winning bidder on my auction post. Bidding remains open until midnight Eastern Time tonight (or very early tomorrow morning I suppose that would be) so click over to my original post if you're interested in bidding.
* Don’t forget that Reclaimed Home’s necklace auction also ends tonight at the same time. Hop over there to place a bid. She also posted about a great ongoing silent auction benefit happening over at Indie Fixx.
* And if you’re in New York City, The Lil Bee has information posted on an organization called charity:water that will be collecting goods to ship to Haiti. Collection day is today, Monday, January 18, at their 200 Varick Street offices. More information on The Lil Bees’ blog.
I spent a bit of the weekend at the sewing machine so I’m hoping to host another auction later this week. Stay tuned, and thank you all.
Oh Laura, I was just over on your original post and the comments and bids made me cry. What a wonderful online community we belong to. People ask me why I blog and this outpouring from everyone will be what I will tell them the next time they ask. Isn't it amazing what we can do as a people when we come together?
I posted some photos from our Haitian community here in Florida. Not having to do with the earthquake, I just wanted people to see that we all share a common bond, we are all part of a much larger global community and it is because of this that our hearts break when others are suffering so much.
Thank you Laura, for being such an inspiration.
This is a beautiful gesture...you made me cry!
You are an inspiration to us all!
I'll add a craft-y goodie to your next auction!!
Aw...you ladies!! Thanks. :-) It's really very little but I feel a little better about doing something. Weef...I will totally take you up on your offer!
Laura, Wow, for the lovely comments. Thank you for holding these auctions. Count me in for the next one.
count me in if you do another as well, Laura!! it will be even easier for me since I finally opened my Etsy shop!! check it out and let me know what you think!
www.nestink.etsy.com xoxo Courtney
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