Between the crazy snow and frigid temperatures, it’s been one heck of a winter here. But I think Mother Nature is trying to make up for landing her frosty one-two punch by ending each day with spectacular sunsets like this one at the shorehouse last night.

Either that or she has a wicked sense of humor.
Speaking of rays of sunshine, a bunch of amazingly kind folks have come by as I get my bloggy sea legs back. Shorehouse 2.0, if you will. A huge thanks to all the folks who’ve found me again and commented these past few posts…Kathleen at Purple Flowers, Ang, Erika Swain, Keetha at Eclectic Company, Joyce at A Perfect Beginning, Maureen, Tee at The Diva’s Random Thoughts, Deborah at The Fairfield House, Diane at A Picture is Worth 1,000 Words, Cupcakin’ It Up, Grey Cardigan, Liz at Violet Posy, Pat at Mille Fiori Favoriti, Moderne Momma at Beach House, Sheila at The Quintessential Magpie, Lauren, Caren at City Momma/Country Momma, j.cro at Snapshots and Confabulation, Susan at Black Eyed Susan’s Kitchen, Heidi at Faboolosity, Ola at Apple Tea, Patti at Pandora’s Box and Ina in Alaska.
I’m really happy to be back.
And I am so glad you are back in action!
So will you be posting more? I miss you!!!
Beautiful sunset. We have been hearing about your frigid weather. Stay warm and safe.
I like the power lines here, they balance the extreme colour with their linear strength
Gorgeous sky. I am homesick... There is NO PLACE like the Jersey Shore xoxo
That sunset is like "fire on the mountain, run boys run!!"
Ooooo - - - I saw my NAME in print on your post!!!
Oh my dear friend- I'm so happy you are back!!
I know it is so hard to work, and carry on every day life along with the wonderful world of blog friends. At one point I thought of letting my blog go, but didn't want to lose the friendship I have here. I decided to narrowed my posting to 3 times a week and now I think friends are in the habit to stop by M-W-F, but there are those few times when I barely make those posts. Smile... But friends overlook the not so perfect side of me. Smile... Hugs my friend. xo
How gorgeous!! We've been having some amazing sunsets here too, but it's always fun to see other people's sunsets. :)
Gorgeous sunset! So lovely to have you back Laura and thankyou for the comments at mine :) x
And your readers are so blessed to have you back. Thank you for your friendship, your shared adventures, your words.
PS You forgot; I was born in Staten Island too!
The frigid weather and the weekly snow storms we've been getting in the NE have made this a winter for the record books! I'm so glad you are back, Laura, but don't stress about having to keep up a regular post schedule ..keep it fun, like you are!
Beautiful picture! Snowing again if you didn't know.
♥, Susan
Awwww... you know we love you! I'm thriled your're back!
Sheila :-)
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