Harry: What does this song mean? My whole life, I don't know what this song means. I mean, 'Should old acquaintance be forgot'? Does that mean that we should forget old acquaintances, or does it mean if we happened to forget them, we should remember them, which is not possible because we already forgot?
Sally: Well, maybe it just means that we should remember that we forgot them or something. Anyway, it's about old friends.
- When Harry Met Sally, a movie I can watch over and over and over.
So what about really auld acquaintances? Have they been forgotten? If so, you're totally not reading this.
My excuses for extended absence from my blog and yours are pathetic at best. My adjustment to my "new" job has been tougher than expected, and this summer I got in a rather...how should I put this...ugly bike accident. And as much as I thought a "2010 Wrap Up" post would have been a good way to explain what I've been up to, photos of me at the office and/or photos of my kneecap stitched back together seemed a little morose. But I'm determined to focus on the bright side! Since I left you, a major attic renovation kicked off this spring, which looked a little like this at the middle stages:
And it's thisclose to wrapping up. To anyone out there who is a general contractor, I have a new appreciation for you and bow to your excellence.
Other than all of that, oh, the thrifty adventures I've been on since I left you (I went to a really good rummage sale on crutches less than a week after my accident, which proves my dedication if nothing else!). The past few months were among the best thrifting days ever. And the 852 photos I pulled off my camera while trapped in a blizzard this week proved it.
So I guess I'm saying that I'm back. And if anyone is still out there...thank you. A happy, healthy and prosperous new year to you all!
* Somewhat horrifyingly, I took this picture minutes ago. I pulled out the Christmas ornaments from the basement to stage the photo so I wouldn't look like a total nincompoop. The only holiday decoration at the shorehouse this year was the wreath outside. ::hangs head in shame::
There are some years that are more decorated than others. Not to worry.
I was just thinking about you last night. I was organizing my desk, and looked at the stunning purple flower (clematis) that you so generously sent me. Then it occurred to me that I haven't seen you around. I was hoping you did not abandon your blog. While sipping a cup of tea of morning, voila...I see you wrote a post. I am very glad!
I hope your knee is healing up. Best wishes for a brilliant New Year (and good health too).~Kathleen
I knew you'd surface eventually!!! I kept checking back every now and again. good to 'see' you, neighbor (I'm in Beachwood) and welcome back!!!! look forward to see some good things from you since your absence.
Happy New Year
YAY!! I was doing a clean out of the RSS & blogs yesterday and something made me keep yours "she'll be back soon" I told myself! YAY!!
Sorry to hear about the rough year, but hey 2011 is brand spanking new! Can't wait for more updates from the Shorehouse!
I was so excited to come back (to my own blog :-) and see your comments. I don't know how I let this much time get away from me...it's been a crazy and quick year!
Kathleen, I love that you like the photo (and you just reminded me that I wanted to print a copy for the neighbor whose fence it was climbing out of!) and am so happy you stumbled upon me this morning.
And Ang and Erika…thanks for hanging in there! I honestly can’t believe how much time has passed and I’m eager to make my bloggy rebound in 2011. Besides…I need to start finding ideas on everyone else’s blogs for my renovated attic! :-)
Much love and thanks...Laura
Laura! How LOVELY to see a post from you again! I have missed you.
While you've been away, my school closed forever forcing me to become unemployed, Fisherhubby found a new job, and we moved form Indiana to my beloved home state of Wisconsin!!!! I was still unpacking MOVING boxes when others were beginning to decorate for Christmas. I came within a HAIR'S THROW of only putting a wreath on my door like you said you did. Then one day I thought I could face pulling out a few larger Christmas items and spreading them and their cheer around the place - - - so I did.
Now I have to pack them back up, alas and alack for I am SICK of the whole packing and unpacking ordeal!
Anyway - - - welcome back to blogland and I will be DELIGHTED to find any and all posts from you whenever you post them - - - no pressure from me!
Hi Laura!!! I try realllly hard not to get online over the weekend, but as we were watching a movie I had a work fear- I was confused what day I gave everyone off! LOL... I thought it was tomorrow, but it was Friday. Oh Lord help me- I'm having a struggle getting back into the living world. Soo... with all that rattling I was very happy to see your post my friend!! Welcome back. Sorry to hear about your kneew. I hope it much better with just a trace of a light scar. Hugs to you... xo
Sweet! So glad you're back to blogging and very glad that we found another way to stay connected!
Don't hang your head...I didn't even put up one stitch of holiday decoration. lol
Thanks, Tee! Strength in numbers, I say! :-)
Of course we'll return...we've never left. And you know why? Because "Harry this is some place!"
Shhh, hardly a "total nincompoop" more precisely, you were downsizing, simplifying. Yea,that's the ticket.
So happy you are tapping the keyboard again and look forward to many posts! You were missed.
Did you find that lovely bowl thrifting?
Your Friend,
Hi Laura,
I had no idea you were in an accident. It's so strange, because you popped up on my new computer when I put all my pictures over to it, and I wondered about you...but never contacted you.
I look forward to seeing the pictures of your renovation and the huge blizzard!
Thanks so much for the visit to my blog...guess you can tell I'm still in a blogging slump.
About that Santa....he did not sell-and is still at the Antique Booth. Don't know what will become of him-I had hoped that someone might offer some information on him, but so far they haven't.
Great to be in touch with you again!
:) Diane
Yaya for art projects - especially those of attic proportions! (hehe) It will be a busy New Year indeed, but I have a feeling 2011 will bring more blog posts than ever ;-)
I am a new blogger and have your blog on my sidebar as a "favorite". I have it in posting order so imagine my surprise when it rose from the bottom to the top!!!! I'm so glad you're back!!
Great to see you back!! Some years are just like that ((HUGS)) Wishing you a Happy and Healthy 2011 xx
Welcome back Laura! I was so excited to see "Laura@thre shorehouse" in my e-mail today and that your blog mojo is here again. No excuses needed ... real life is a 24/7 deal and blogging is supposed to be only a fraction of that. You had a lot of new adjustment and the lousy bike accident was enough of a headache(kneeache) to deal with.
I did miss your humor and seeing all your fabulous photos of the Jersey shore and your house renovations and thrifting and trips, etc. It's great to see you here again!
Glad you're back
Yay!!!!!!!!! I'm so glad that you're back. I cant wait to read about all of your thrifty adventures!!!
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